Student Posters and Awards
Vendor Exhibit

Friday, November 7th, 2025

Short Courses

Thursday – Saturday, November 6-8

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Vacuum Society (AVS) covers Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah.

Our chapter is comprised of members who come from academia, national laboratories, and industry.

RMCAVS Annual Activities

Each year our chapter has an active vendor show, symposium and short course program in September. We participate in educational outreach through the Colorado Association of Science Teachers (CAST) to provide monetary awards to outstanding physical science teachers at the elementary, middle and high school levels. The Chapter sponsors one teacher each year to attend the Science Educators Workshop at the International AVS Symposium.

RMCAVS Board Members from left to right: Andrew Cavanagh, Steve Harvey, Cristian Ciobanu, Lorelle Mansfield, Rosine Ribelin, Tim Gessert, and Neil Peacock

RMCAVS Board Members from left to right: Andrew Cavanagh, Steve Harvey, Cristian Ciobanu, Lorelle Mansfield, Rosine Ribelin, Tim Gessert, and Neil Peacock

Board Members 2025

Chair | Cristian Ciobanu, Colorado School of Mines
Past-Chair  | Steve Harvey, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Secretary | Lorelle Mansfield, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Treasurer | Andrew Cavanagh, University of Colorado, Boulder

Executive Committee Members

Tim Gessert, University of Illinois, Gessert Consulting, LLC
Neil Peacock, Pine Place Consulting
Svitlana Pylypenko,  Colorado School of Mines
Colin Quinn, Dynavac
Rosine Ribelin, Ascent Solar
Michael Simmons, Intellivation LLC
Matt Weimer, Forge Nano
Jing Zhou, University of Wyoming Laramie

AVS Logo

Get in touch

We are always interested in expanding our membership and finding candidates who would like to be more involved. If you are interested in serving in a chapter leadership position or participating in one or more of our activities please contact us. 

Contact Form General